
After relaxation head for Zreče, a wellness area. It is the home of the Terme Zreče Spa and Rogla, a skiing and hiking center.

Zreče is a distinctive town, guarded by the mighty Pohorje. This is where the people from Pohorje live, genuine and friendly. It is said you cannot leave their homes with an empty stomach.


Reasons for the area of wellbeing

Terme Zreče Spa is located in the town, near the spruce forest. It draws thermal water, the healing Pohorje peat and volcanic mud fango from Pohorje. Rogla boasts a mild climate at 1.517 meters above sea level. The inspiration for massages, baths and care is sought in nature by various local wellnesses.


Zreče's treasure is green nature

This part of the world is intertwined with trails and paths, winding through rustling Pohorje forests, leading hikers and cyclists to cute places. The Lovrenc Lakes are an unprecedented picturesque pearl and it is impossible to enjoy fully the completely unknown beauties that nature offers at every corner. You will be able to look at the greatest treasure from the new perspective at the Pohorje Treetop Walkway in Rogla, which is a unique experience in Slovenia.

In winter, the hills are covered with snow blanket, but they do not fall asleep. That is the time when Rogla transforms into a popular family ski resort.


People from Pohorje, dilligent and hardworking

People from Pohorje are also dilligent. The idyllic village of Skomarje is one of the highest-situated villages where the population still lives a diligent rural life. You can easily find out what it looked like 200 years ago at Skomarje House. The murmuring waters were running the mills, sawmills and typical blacksmitheries, most authentically preserved in the Ošlak blacksmithery from the 18th century. Even amidst the steep hills, they were able to subdue to the deep faith and build many churches, including the famous pilgrim church at Brinjeva gora.

New in 2024

The year 2024 at Rogla brings many exciting novelties for all visitors. From the adrenaline-pumping flying slide and mountain trike rides to the heated Mašinžaga chairlift. There will also be fun for the whole family at the Forest Challenge and on two new trails in the Bike Park.