Little Dragon's Forest Educational Trail

The Dragon from the Konjice legend will take you along a picturesque, mysterious forest path, which reveals the secrets of nature and the history of Konjice.


TIC Slovenske Konjice

Stari trg 27

3210 Slovenske Konjice

T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10

M: +386 (0)51 444 141



GPX trace of the route: Download

You will be guided along the educational trail by the Konjice Dragon, who used to live in the heart of Konjiška gora - more about this legend will be entrusted to you on the spot. The trail winds along the foot of the mighty Konjiška gora above the town of Slovenske Konjice, capturing the views of the Dravinja Valley and the Pohorje forest in the background, teaching you about the diverse flora and fauna. Before you enter the forest-abounded Konjiška gora, you will be greeted by the rich orchards. Once in the forest, you will be taken over by its rustling beauty. Encounter the once mighty Old Castle on Konjiška gora and its history. Meanwhile, orientate yourself in nature, discovering the Gospodična brook, quarry and other secrets of Konjiška gora.

Starting point: Primary School Pod goro, Slovenske Konjice

Length: 3 km

Hiking time: 2 hours (circular route)

Difficulty: easy

Points of interest: small bridge across Konjska smrt Gorge, rippling brook, Old Castle on Konjiška Gora, Trebnik Manor, quarry