The Church of the Holy Family in Tepanje

The Church of the Holy Family in Tepanje is the newest church in the Rogla - Pohorje Tourist Destination and a wonderful example of a modern sacral building.


Visit to the church is free of charge

Working hours:

A group tour can be previously arranged at the TIC - Tourist Information Centre of Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, 3210 Slovenske Konjice

T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10

M: +386 (0)51 444 141


The Church of the Holy Family in Tepanje already looks very new. The settlement of Tepanje, just a few kilometers outside the town of Slovenske Konjice, spread rapidly after the World War II and the need for a new church soon emerged.

Controversial construction

Its construction was long opposed to by the authorities at the time, however the issuing of the building permit was triggered by a rather unpleasant event; a violent demolition of the chapel by the road to the cemetery in Zgornja Pristava near Konjice.

A modern sacral building

The plans for the Church of the Holy Family were made by Jože Požauko from Maribor. The construction was taken over by the construction company from Konjice, and the locals volunteered. The church was completely renovated in 2002. It received new oak benches, a marble altar and windows, it was newly roofed and the bell tower was renewed, making it a truly aesthetic example of a modern sacral building.