The Church of the Holy Spirit in Loče

The Church of the Holy Spirit in Loče is known for the sculptural works of many masters.


Visit to the church is free of charge

Working hours:

A group tour can be previously arranged at the TIC - Tourist Information Centre of Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, 3210 Slovenske Konjice

T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10

M: +386 (0)51 444 141


The Church of the Holy Spirit in the centre of the small settlement of Loče in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice, was first mentioned in the written sources in 1434. The simple white plastered church on the outside is richly baroque on the inside. In 1776, the village of Loče burned to the ground and the flames did not spare the church. That is why the interior is of much younger origin.

The Church of the Holy Spirit in Loče can be remembered by:

  • the 3 altars (the main one with the motive of the arrival of the Holy Spirit and 2 side ones) and
  • the outstanding sculptures, which flicker with the glowing gilded appearance. The altar plastic was made by the hands of various sculptors:
  • Franc Zamlik from Slovenske Konjice, who also left his mark at the Church of Holy Mother of God on Brinjeva gora,
  • Jožef Holzinger from Maribor and
  • the master from Konjice, Mihael Pogačnik and students from his workshop.