The Šrekl-Zajc Blacksmithery

In order to see the presentation of the traditional blacksmithing craft in Zreče, visit the Šrekl-Zajc Blacksmithery.


  • Adults: 1 €
  • Children: 0.50 €

Working hours:

The tour can be previously arranged at the LTO Rogla – Zreče, GIZ TIC Zreče, Cesta na Roglo 13b in Zreče.

T: +386 (0) 3 759 04 70


In the past, Zreče and its countryside were filled with many small blacksmitheries. However, nowadays blacksmithing is much less present as the handicraft. In 2007, Ignac Zajc Jr. gave an initiative to unite a once-smaller artisan workshop of Ivan Šrekl together with the forging farm of his father, the well-known blacksmith master in Zreče, Ignac Zajc.

Šrekl craft workshop + Zajc forging farm = Šrekl-Zajc Blacksmithery

After the machines and tools of the Šrekl's blacksmithery were dismantled and placed in the Zajc's blacksmithery in Dobrovlje, a useful workshop was created with a museum collection of blacksmithing-technical heritage.

Did you know?

One of the most stunning blacksmithing experiences is the display of forging with hot air bellows.