Old Square, Slovenske Konjice / Slovenske Konjice
28. Jun. 2024 / 21:00


Miha Guštin – Gušti began his music career in the band Big Foot Mama, where he was credited as the author of most hits on their first four albums. Later, he formed the highly creative duo Gušti and Polona, which opened a new chapter in Slovenian avant-garde pop, bringing freshness both in terms of songwriting and performance, and greatly enriching the Slovenian musical landscape. However, his creativity doesn't stop there; Gušti continues to explore and develop musical styles, also as the frontman and vocalist of his own musical creations.

At the Poletnica event, he will enchant us with a delightful musical evening, during which he and his band will perform hits written for Big Foot Mama and Gušti and Polona, as well as other original musical achievements...

Entrance free! Information: Center za kulturne prireditve Slovenske Konjice, 03 758 04 37,

FB: Center za kulturne prireditve Slovenske Konjice,

IG: @ckpslovenskekonjice.